Elizabeth Glenn

Healing with Energy and Language


Your body has a mind of its own. Scientists are beginning to find that emotions/memories are stored in cells throughout the body. What was once thought to be mind-based territory is now whole-body thinking. While this is very exciting, it can also be confusing: how do you interpret the language of your body? 

Most of us have heard, read, understood that we have our conscious mind, subconscious mind, body, spirit/soul... separate parts that make us a whole. Added to these more traditional parts is the energy system of the body which, to many people, is a rather new concept. Now we are finding that the "separate" parts aren't so separate after all. As separate parts, it wasn't so important that we understand all the different "languages" these parts use. Knowing what our conscious mind was "saying" in our native tongue was enough. Many are beginning to understand the importance of learning these new languages.

Whether you are standing at the "starting point" of this new journey for yourself or understand this new thinking but are just too busy or confused at the moment to be a seeker, this is a wonderful place for you to be.  Interpretation of these foreign languages of your body, mind and spirit begin here.

The subtle communication systems of your body speak volumes. They begin with a whisper and, when unheard, slowly speak louder and louder until they finally scream. This scream often manifests in injury, disease; both physical and/or mental and eventually demand to be heard. If you are searching cyberspace and have found yourself here, I’m going to assume that you are hearing a whisper if not a scream. Please contact me for a free initial consult if this is “resonating well within you”. 

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