Elizabeth Glenn

Healing with Energy and Language

About the Practitioner

Elizabeth Glenn

I am a Certified Practitioner in Healing with Energy and Language, Reiki, Pre/Post Surgical Support and Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis.

At the age of five, I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. At eleven I had spinal surgery where a Herrington Rod was inserted into my spine and Western medicine declared me "fixed". I've spent most of my life dealing with spinal issues. After the birth of my daughter, I lived in constant back pain for several years. I was a nursing mom and refused to take any chemicals that may affect my daughter's well-being. This is where my holistic journey began. 

This journey has taken me to glorious places and let me experience wonderful and not-so-wonderful situations. I have a vast array of information to share, as well as, a desire to continue learning. My wish is to assist fellow seekers in the holistic interpretation of their subtle communication systems. After all, as Reverend Debra Basham, co-developer of Subtle Communication Systems (SCS Matters, LLC) and coauthor of Imagine Healing: Guided Imagery to Help You Heal reminds us, "to heal means two heal". For those that are unsure as to whether or not they are seeking, I wish to guide them in the pursuit of their own enlightenment. 

A little bit more about me: I am married, mother of one. Hobbies include gardening, ballroom dance, reading and cooking. My husband and I help teach ballroom dance and are avid home brewers.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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